The challenge here was to create a book that explored one element of an author’s work. The grading of the project revolved around type, we would be graded on our use of expressive type throughout the book as well as our use of grid and page layouts. Due to Covid-19, these books were not printed for final submission, but choice of paper and binding was skill key.
I’ve always been fascinated with the work of Ray Bradbury, his stories really stuck with me and I wanted to take this opportunity to explore his work further. I chose to analyze a handful of his most distinct stories. Bradbury has always believed he is a “prediction novelist” rather than a sci-fi author, so I wanted to compare his work with how it applies as a warning about the future. Each book takes up it own chapter, and while the layout of the book as a whole has its own inspiration, each chapter’s layout is inspired by the story it explores. Because of the drama and gravity in each of his works, inspiration for expressive type solutions was limited only by what I could do with adobe software. The process of gathering research for this concept was very informative and rewarding. It was incredible to be able to create something so thorough and large, each and every component of the final product was completely up to me, from the paper type to the color pallette, even the written.
This project left no room for nature, so that became a substantial challenge for me. This was very adobe-software intensive and the first chance I had to really push the limits of what I knew how to do. I learned a lot about the fundamentals of Illustrator, PhotoShop, and InDesign during the design process.

Typographic Poster

Typographic Poster

Typographic Poster

Page of Contents

Fahrenheit 451

Bio Cont.

Illustrated Man

The Martian Chronicles

Ray Bradbury Bio

The Pendulum